I4-21-2014 t Is Time to Bury the “Honest Broker” Deception | Wallwritings - James Wall

4-11-2014 Jewish Voice for Peace TALKING POINTS on The Peace Process

4-8-2014 Stand Firm, John Kerry - Zbigniew Brzezinski and Frank Carlucci and Lee Hamilton and Carla A. Hills and Thomas Pickering and Henry Siegman - POLITICO Magazine 


We commend Secretary of State John Kerry's extraordinary efforts to

renew Israeli-Palestinian talks and negotiations for a framework for a

peace accord, and the strong support his initiative has received from

President Barack Obama.

We believe these efforts, and the priority Kerry has assigned to them,

have been fully justified. However, we also believe that the necessary

confidentiality that Secretary Kerry imposed on the resumed negotiations should not preclude a far more forceful and public expression of certain fundamental U.S. positions: (more at link above)